Photo © by gulli mar


If I were to choose a single thought to describe how I feel toward my art making I would borrow one from Sylvia´s Plath, the Bell Jar. There she says "If neurotic is wanting two mutually exclusive things at one and the same time [...] then I'm neurotic as hell.” For me she is describing, more than anything, the neurotic condition of modern society, the constant longing to hold on to several mutually exclusive things simultaneously. With my art I´m trying to break away from any particular notions of meaning, allowing objects to be situated on the crossroads where all mutually exclusive things are one and the same–at least for a moment, just before the decision is made. In these manners my sculptures try to be images, my paintings performances and my installations drawings.  It is possibly an attempt to avoid some of the more cumbersome problems inherent in a medium.

A success would manifest itself in an aesthetic experience that constantly would ask the viewer to situate and re-situate herself in relation to object and space as the aim is to compromise the semiological agreement between a person and an object, between a thing and thing. Attempting those things my work ranges from the minimal to the maximal, the deterministic to the arbitrary, often mixing all of those together with unforeseen consequences in a sincere hope not to be any one thing.

Gallery contact: BERG contemporary
Tel: +354 562 0001